You know, I love the holidays. I love giving gifts. And of course I love getting them.
But I also love to have an excuse to buy the things that I “need” that I just don’t get around to buying for myself. So, in the midst of choosing gifts for my family and friends, I find myself wrapping up a little gift to me, from me.
Because while I could always hope for what I want and wait around for it to appear, I could also just go out make it happen.
And that really goes for a lot of things in life.
We can hope to be happy in our personal lives or our careers, or we can just decide to make it happen.
We can hope to hit our goals, whatever they are—financial, athletic—or we can just decide to make them happen.
And we can make a lot more happen in our brands and companies than we might think.
As brands, sometimes it feels like we’re at the mercy of the market or the weather, or something else that’s out of our control.
While there are times when those external factors certainly can get in the way, we are never powerless.
So as a lot of us are winding up our planning seasons, now it’s the time to turn our attention to making “it” happen.
For me, this time of year I get excited thinking about:
- Pulling those big levers
- Doing the big work that’s going to move the needle furthest
- And digging into the things that usually feel hard
It’s time to make it happen, whatever “it” is. Even if it’s just wrapping up a new avi shovel. Shhh, don’t tell me what I got myself. 😉
See you out there!