Honey Stinger

Born and tested in the mountains of Steamboat, Colorado, Honey Stinger uses real food and delicious honey to fuel its sports nutrition products.

This beloved niche brand was ready for a new look that would help them stand out at shelf and attract a wider fanbase.
Honey Stinger

Nature's Performance Fuel

Our field research showed a growing trend of athletes using "real food" to power sports performance, but honey was strangely absent from the conversation—and competitor offerings. We knew then Honey Stinger had a huge opportunity to position honey as a natural performance fuel.
sketch of Honey Stinger logo

But First, a New Logo

To attract a broader audience looking for natural sports nutrition, Honey Stinger needed a new mark. We transformed their complex (read difficult to print) logo into a simple, bold mark that looks hot on everything from athlete jerseys to shwag to packaging. For brand continuity, we refined their original, hand-done type by removing the "stingers" and improving the letterforms.
Original Honey Stinger Logo with Hornet to the left and words in yellow and black


Honey Stinger After Logo


honey stinger logo on backpack

“We’re all really impressed with the Walden Hyde team. They worked hard to make everyone feel heard, while still offering creative expertise.”

—Rich Hager

Honey Stinger Co-Founder

And Cohesive Packaging

Honey Stinger's busy packaging often got lost at shelf. We simplified the design and introduced strong information hierarchy and visual cues to help consumers shop quickly and effectively. As a result of this work, we produced a 104% increase in sales lift.
honey stinger before packaging


honey stinger after


brand identity honey stinger packaging


104% Lift Rate Increase

Honey Stinger Brand Identity and packaging